Medical monitoring of pregnancy: what do we talk about? Medical monitoring of pregnancy includes all examinations and prenatal and postnatal consultations that surround pregnancy: seven antenatal examinations , blood tests (mandatory and optional) , three ultrasounds , eight sessions of preparation for childbirth , and postnatal abdominal perineal ten rehabilitation sessions.
Medical monitoring can be done in the hospital or in the city , a gynecologist , midwife or GP.
How does the first prenatal visit? The first antenatal used to declare the pregnancy. Currently , the first visit should be made before 14 weeks of gestation (WG: Number of weeks since last menstrual period) , but the National Academy of Medicine recommends make during the first month with a view to prevention: alcohol , tobacco , drugs , infectious diseases , drugs ...
The tour begins with a complete medical examination medical history , allergies , gynecological. It continues with an examination gynecological clinic (with a speculum to see the cervix is healthy) , but also breast.
A dipstick can search diabetes , kidney disorder. A blood test determines the blood group of the mother with irregular agglutinins or RAI for antibodies capable of addressing the baby's blood. It is a mandatory serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis , rubella and syphilis.
Finally , recommendations are delivered food to avoid listeriosis (for all women) and / or toxoplasmosis (for those who are not immune).
How to pass seven exams medical monitoring of pregnancy Prenatal visits , which essentially allow to detect what will not , take place in the same way: dipstick , check the tension , weight gain , fundal height , listening to baby's heart sounds and Review with gynecological vaginal. The practitioner then ensures that the mother feels well the movements of the baby and has no burning on urination (urinary tract infection) , or bleeding , or pain in the abdomen (contractions).
If the mother is not immunized against toxoplasmosis , a blood test every month to check it has not contracted. If it is not vaccinated against rubella , blood monthly up to 4 months of pregnancy and just before delivery is also practiced.
Finally , if Rh negative mother , a research-agglutinated immune (RAI) every month (or the third , sixth and ninth months) or an injection of Rhophylac (immunoglobulins preventive) at six months can prevent problems immunization between mother and baby.